


Morpho-anatomical features of the seeds of seven species from the Iris genus of the Saratov regional flora, which are important in plant adaptation to environmental habitat conditions, are presented. The seeds of two species, namely: I. halophila Pall. and Iris pseudacorus L. seem the most revealing from this viewpoint. The strategy of I. halophila seeds is expressed in the development of facilities to protect the seed contents from saline solution penetration, which is accomplished as follows: the presence of a coating waterproof and salt-tight film protecting the seed contents from penetration of water with dissolved salts; the most pronounced lignification of the seed coat, as compared with the seeds of all other species studied; the absence of a pronounced ultrasculpture of the seed coat to prevent accumulation of salt deposits on its surface. The strategy of I. pseudacorus seeds is as follows: the formation of a seed that can survive in the aquatic environment for a long time, while maintaining viability, which is achieved by the following adaptations: the seed shape is a flat discoid that allows the seeds to float; the most thickened seed peel, as compared to other species; the weak lignification of the seed coat, especially mesotesta; the presence of an air-bearing cavity in the chalazal part of the seed, which reduces its specific gravity and, presumably, supplies the embryo with oxygen when in an aquatic medium. In the remaining five Iris species (Iris aphylla L., I. pineticola Klokov, I. pumila L., I. sibirica L., and I. tenuifolia Pall.) the seeds have similar adaptations for living in moderate conditions of the terrestrial environment.


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