


Regularities of the changes of calendar dates of the start, end and duration of Pelobates fuscus wintering in the Medveditsa river valley (Lysogorsky district, Saratov region) within the period from 1892 until 2014 are considered. A reduction of the wintering duration by 7 days (on the average) over the last 120 years is shown, due to a shift of the start wintering date to a later date and that of the end wintering date to an earlier date. Such changes of the end and start wintering dates mainly began to emerge since the 1950s and 1980s, respectively, and significantly accelerated in 2002 - 2014. The periodicity of changes of the start and end wintering dates is mainly due to the winter severity cycles (8-9 years) and the humidify - aridity ones (the Brückner cycle of 36 - 38 years). Our analysis of the temperature regime over the soil profile shows that the shortening of wintering is mainly caused by the earlier start of the spawning migration of mature individuals of this species in the spring. The depth of location of P. fuscus individuals in the soil profile has been decreased steadily from the early 1980s until 2014. Predictive models have been developed to allow one to suppose the termination of movement of P. fuscus individuals in the soil profile from the horizons where they are in the period of activity by 2050, as well as a significant reduction in the wintering duration or even its complete disappearance as a phase of the annual cycle during 315 years provided that the modern climatic trend will remain.


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