Counts of kingfisher burrows were conducted during our boat routes on the Pra and Oka rivers (the Ryazan region) in 1976 - 2000. At every visit to a burrow, its contents were examined to ascertain the start date and clutch size, the egg size and shape, the number and age of chicks; adult birds were caught. On a control plot of the Pra river within the boundaries of Oka Nature Reserve, 1,087 inhabited burrows were found, of which 17 were re-settled during the season. Outside of the control area on the Oka and Pra rivers, 660 inhabited burrows were found, including 11 ones inhabited iteratively. Such reoccupation of burrows is shown to be primarily due to the scarcity of steep slopes suitable for making burrows and, to a lesser extent, to the deficiency of time needed to build the next hole before ordinary oviposition. Cases of double-settled burrows were recorded significantly more often in those years when the part of the females nesting 3-4 times during the season increased. In the re-inhabited burrows, without proper interpretation of findings, increased (as compared to the species norm) clutch size and duration of the breeding cycle can be observed.
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