
Decreasing the Copper Ion Phytotoxicity Using Rhodococcus Biosurfactants


The effect of copper on the germination of seeds of several agricultural plants, namely, common vetch, white mustard and oats in the presence of Rhodoccocus-biosurfactants was studied. As a result of the conducted studies it was established that Avena sativa L. was the most stable plant to the action of copper, and Vicia sativa L. was a less stable plant. By the copper resistance degree, the plants used in the work could be arranged in the series: Avena sativa L. > Sinapis alba L. > Vicia sativa L. Copper in concentrations from 50 MPC and above had a pronounced inhibitory effect on the germination of seeds. The pretreatment of seeds with Rhodococcus biosurfactants and seed germination under the conditions of copper contamination have been established to contribute to an increase (up to 4.5 times) in the germination, germinative energy and viability of oats, mustard and vetch sprouts. An ecologically safe method has been developed for reducing the toxic effect of copper on the growth of the following plant crops: Avena sativa L., Sinapis alba L., and Vicia sativa L. in the presence of Rhodococcus biosurfactants.


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