Arthropod abundance on bustard nesting sites in the Saratov Trans-Volga region
The results of our study of the quantitative and qualitative arthropod composition at potential nesting areas of Otis tarda in the Saratov Trans-Volga region are presented. Specific information obtained at 7 areas (2 fallow fields, two fields of winter and spring wheat, two natural fallow lands of different ages, and virgin land) in 2012 is given. A comparative analysis of some indicators of the arthropod abundance and biomass on winter fields treated with chemicals and untreated is conducted. The obtained results are compared with those of previous years. In the Saratov Trans-Volga region in the nesting period O. tarda currently has favorable conditions for rearing nestlings on natural fallow lands of different ages and on early-spring crop fields. In winter fields after their complex treatments with chemicals the abundance and composition of arthropods cannot meet the needs of O. tarda during rearing nestlings.
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