Estimation of the Toxicity of a Metal/Carbon Nanocomposite of Copper by Biotesting
The toxic effect of a metal/carbon copper nanocomposite (Me/C Cu NC) on higher plant seeds and the bacterial sensor “Ecolum-8” was evaluated. A significant inhibitory effect of 0.1% nanomaterial on the seedlings of radish seeds was established. Some stimulating effect on the development of the roots of this culture was found at a concen-tration of 1 • 10–8%, but it was insignificant (by 11.3%). When wheat was used as a test object, its root growth was inhibited when the seeds were treated with the nanocompo-site at a concentration of 0.1 and 0.01% (a decrease of 30.2 and 79.6%, respectively). No stimulating effect on the wheat root system was revealed. The preparation also had no effect on the development of the aerial part of wheat seedlings, with the exception of 60.0% growth inhibition in the option of treatment with a 0.1% MeC Cu NC solution. Lyophilized cells of Escherichia coli K12 TG1 strain (pXen7) containing the full lux-operon of Photorhabdus luminescens were used as a second biotesting object. Based on bioluminescence analysis, it was found that all studied concentrations of the copper nanocomposite were highly toxic for the bacterial strain (the toxicity index >70%). The value of the toxicological parameter EC50, corresponding to the concentration of the substance that causes 50% inhibition of the luminescence of the sensory microorganism as compared with the control, turned out to be lower than the minimum tested concen-tration of the MeC NC Cu solutions. The calculation was made mathematically, and the probable value of EC50 was equal to 0.016 μg / ml.
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