Number of Small Mammals in Fields, Stacks and Ricks in the South of the Central Black-Earth Region
The results of studies conducted by the sanitary and epidemiological service in the Voronezh region from 1959 till 2013 were analyzed. Records of small mammals (SM) were carried out by snap traps with wire hooks for baiting. Standard bait (black bread pieces flavored with sunflower oil) was used. Traps were placed in lines. The numbers of SM were calculated as a percentage of animals fallen into 100 traps per day. The data obtained were analyzed using conventional statistical methods, including the method of standard deviations. The results were considered in the territory of two regions: the Oka-Don lowland plain and the Central Russian upland in fields from May till September (the “warm” period) and in stacks and ricks from August till March (the “cold” period). It is shown that the situation in fields in the warm period and that in ricks and stacks in the cold one allow judging the future abundance of SM in these localities. It is assumed that the described trends can be used for shortterm forecasting of the abundance of SM and as a justification at planning of antiepizootic, epidemiological and phytosanitary measures. One should take into account the degree of synanthropy of certain SM species and their epidemic significance. In addition, for this purpose, it is necessary to constantly carry out seasonal counts of SM in the analyzed habitats. Despite the reduction of the numbers of ricks and omets in recent years, data on the num-bers of SM in these habitats are still of particular interest for analysis of the situation.
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