


Spring migrations of the Whooper swan and Bewick's swan were studied on a farm-land near the town of Olonets during 1997 - 2017. Usually the majority of swans crossed the territory of the agricultural landscape in transit, and only a small portion of the birds stayed on it for feeding for 1 - 2 days. In 2017, swans formed a mass migration stopover on the fields, 340 to 1,328 individuals were counted on it for 11 days, whose majority (about 90%) were Bewick's swans. It was established that such a high concentration of swans in the fields was a result of a unfavorable ecological situation in the region at the beginning of their mass migration. The places of traditional migration stopovers in shallow waters of the Ladoga lake were closed by floating ice, and unusually cold weather of the second half of April and ice-covered water bodies in the Northern part of the migratory route hindered the migration of birds to their breeding grounds. In the current situation, the swans were forced to look for new places of feeding, and concentrated in the most favorable (for this purpose) grounds of the agricultural landscape.


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