The results of our bird counts carried out in 1996-2017 in the Inner-mountain and High-mountain Dagestan are analyzed. The bird specific composition, average popula-tion abundance and ecological structure of the avifauna in two difficult-to-reach mountain areas of the republic are described for the first time. With the help of cluster analysis it is established that the avifauna patterns of most of the key areas are not only similar but also unique because of the high heterogeneity of these biotopes and, correspondingly, the faunal differences formed in the mountains under insufficient (Inner-mountain Province) and sufficient (High-mountain Province) moisture. Specific features of the avifauna in the studied areas are assumed to be attached not only by residential communities of typical mountain birds, but also by adapted populations of migratory birds of plains nesting in the mountains. Analysis of our collected material gives a clear view of the specific diversity and territorial distribution of the birds as well as of the avifauna resources of the Inner-mountain and High-mountain Dagestan.
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