The paper summarizes the results of our long-term research (2007 - 2015) of chironomids in 38 saline and hypersaline lakes in the Crimea. Chironomid larvae were found at salinities up to 340 g/l, and their occurrence frequency decreased as salinity rose above 30 - 50 g/l. Four species, namely, Baeotendipes noctivagus, Cricotopus gr. cylindraceus, Tanytarsus gr. Mendax, and Paratanytarsus gr. quantuplex were identified. The numbers of chironomid larvae varied within wide limits and reached rather high values: up to 8 thousand/m3 in plankton, up to 9 thousand/m2 in benthos, and up to 3 thousand/m2 on the floating mats of filamentous green algae, it nonlinearly depended on salinity. A salinity increase led to a decreased number of species and reduced average sizes. Salinity nonlinearly influenced the abundance, biomass and production of larvae, the maximum values were observed within 150 - 170 g/l.
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