
Changes in the structure of the rhizosphere complexes of actinomycetes of transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae, Solanales) with the gene Fe-SOD 1

Tomato transformants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) with the gene of Fe-superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD 1) from Arabidopsis thaliana L. making the plant resistant to the damaging effect of oxidative stress were used in our work. The original-genotype tomato and independent transgenic lines bn 6 and bn 4 were grown in artificial climate. According to the results of determination of the total SOD activity and lipid peroxidation, line 6 bn differs from both the original genotype and line 4 bn by more balanced lipid homeostasis.

Ecologo-biological characteristic of natural steppe biogeocenoses in the Central Caucasus (the Terskiy variant of vertical zonation, Kabardino-Balkaria)

An ecologo-biological characteristic of the natural steppe biogeocenosis components in Kabardino-Balkaria (within the Terskiy variant of vertical zonation) is given. The research results of biological features of common chernozem calcareous soils (humus contents, enzymatic activity, and soil respiration intensity), their spatial and profile distribution combined with basic ecological factors are represented.

Can major roads be absolute barriers to small mammals’ movement?

The influence of a major road on small mammals’ movement was investigated. Muroid rodents were used as the model objects. Two years of our observations using the technique of extensive tetracycline bait marking have shown that the road could be an absolute obstacle to small mammal movements. The extreme barrier effect was determined by some construction features of the road, namely, the presence of a physically impassable median strip along it with the absence of any conduits for rodent movements connecting the road’s sides.

Seasonal aspectivity of the bird population in the Yelabuga City

On the basis of our year-round bird counts in the Yelabuga City located in the northeastern part of the Republic of Tatarstan from 16.10.2010 till 15.10.2012, a seasonal periodization of the population was revealed. The validity of our surveys and variations of the boundaries of the periods and their amount were analyzed. 9 common seasonal aspects of the bird population were found for all habitats in the city. Their description averaged over the city is given. Features of the intra-annual ornithocomplex dynamics were revealed.

Arthropod abundance on bustard nesting sites in the Saratov Trans-Volga region

The results of our study of the quantitative and qualitative arthropod composition at potential nesting areas of Otis tarda in the Saratov Trans-Volga region are presented. Specific information obtained at 7 areas (2 fallow fields, two fields of winter and spring wheat, two natural fallow lands of different ages, and virgin land) in 2012 is given. A comparative analysis of some indicators of the arthropod abundance and biomass on winter fields treated with chemicals and untreated is conducted. The obtained results are compared with those of previous years.

Fertility evaluation of ecologically different forms of house mice and their hybrids of the superspecies complex Mus musculus sensu lato (Rodentia: Muridae)

In house mice from the superspecies complex Mus musculus s.l., the relative weight of their testicles is higher and the sperm quality is better for the exoanthropic species than for the synantropic ones. It is shown that this pattern is observed at an intraspecific level as well, since the testicle weight index and sperm concentration were significantly higher in the hemi-synantropic subspecies Mus musculus wagneri and M. m. gansuensis as compared to the synantropic M. m. musculus in a few comparisons.

Northern Urals bird classification by similarity of their distribution and residence time

Year-round route surveys of birds on a flat section of the Pechora-Ilytch biosphere reserve were conducted in 1995–1997. In total, 7 habitats were surveyed for the two years, 1,500 km of counts were travelled, and 136 bird species were met. Using multidimensional factor analysis, it has been established that in the Northern Ural region, during their stay in the course of a year, 50 (37%), 70 (51%) and 16 species (12%) prefer wood, villages, and semi-open and open wetland habitats, respectively.

Seasonal changes in the hormonal response of Eversmann hamster (Allocricetulus eversmanni, Cricetinae, Rodentia) males to conspecific females’ olfactory signals

Reproductive success demands both the male and female getting a particular physiological status, which is usually provided in rodents by certain olfactory signals. The hormonal response of Eversmann hamster (Allocricetulus eversmanni) males to the natural excretes (urine, midventral gland secretion (MVGS)) of conspecific females was studied during several seasons of the year, the animals kept in the conditions of natural lighting and temperature regimes. In the autumn, no reliable changes of the testosterone level in males in response to any presented signal were noted.

Quantitative characteristics of macrozoobenthos in the rivers of the Kandalaksha coast of the White Sea as a forage base for juvenile salmonids

The macrozoobenthos structure in the rivers of the Kandalaksha coast of the White Sea and the forage base of juvenile salmonids are analyzed. 84 species (92 taxonomic groups) have been found, among which aquatic insect (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera) larvae predominate. Scarce benthic communities in the mountain rivers (1.6 thousand ind./m2 and 2.4 g/m2) and relatively rich ones in the lowlands (10.3 thousand ind./m2 and 7.4 g/m2) were noted.
